Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A confused query

Hmm..just another random timepass.
Actually I have been wondering what's it like for people who are famous..? Particularly, the football players. They are all realli famous, lead a luxurious life. All they need is to play awesome and win and then party all night. If in case they lose, they just mourne over it and move on. They have to prove something to the world. But ultimately, all they have is their football.

What about their personal lives huh..? Do they forget their friends and close ones in all the glamour..? Do they remember them..? What about people who are close to them but not in real sense. I don't think I am making a point here. It's quite complicated to explain. It would have been clear if I could have spilled out the whole deal. But unfortunately, that's exactly what i can't do.
Anyhow, what I am trying to think is, do popular guys remember their friends from past..? Hmm..how is it for those who have experienced being pushed away by such people..? Is it worth sticking up for them, accepting the humiliation and ignorance just because we love thema nd know the times can be rough for them..? I really really can't see if am being clear on any part. I am confused myself. Like I said, only if I could spill out whole of the truth.

Well, simply, a good luck wish to people who have been pushed away and who might face same situation.
God Bless All ..

Peace \/

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